K4B tips to start living a Green life today!

STOP Using disposable and Plastic bags
Carry a reusable water bottle or drinking cup and cloth bags when you go shopping

Walk or cycle for small trips
Its good for you and the environment and there’s no fuel polluting the atmosphere

Eat Green, fresh, local produce
This helps to reduce the fuel costs of transportation and is very healthy for you!

Save Energy
The simplest thing you can do starting today is to turn off the lights, change your bulbs to more energy efficient LED lights, switch off plugs when not in use, turn off your air-conditioning unit when you can do without it.

Separate your garbage
You must be aware that it is difficult to recycle unless you separate the trash. Any kind of paper is usually recyclable. Aluminum cycle cans can be recycled and also some kinds of plastic. As you begin to understand recycling, you will automatically begin to separate your waste.

Save Water
Saving water is so important to save our planet. We need to ensure we only use the water we absolutely need so it can be saved for our planet. Start turning off your taps today and make sure anyone doing laundry only uses the machine when there is a full load. This reduces water used.
Here are some simple GREEN projects you can try at home if you love DIY like I do!
Create a Kitchen Garden:
Watch how this is done in this video. You will find many like this on the Youtube and maybe you can devise a new way to create one too!
Recycle Plastic with these fun arts and crafts:
I loved the really colorful arts and crafts you can create in this video from plastic bottles. Really cool objects can be created this way and of course, you are reusing that plastic bottle that won’t decompose in over 500 years
Check out the link below!
K4B Projects
At K4B World, I want to encourage you to join our efforts to save the planet! So here’s a great way in which you can make some GREEN changes and get rewarded for it too !!
Earn K4B points for all your good work and reduce your individual Carbon Footprint.
1 | I started a kitchen garden today ! | 20 |
2 | I found the nearest recycling centre and started separating my garbage ! | 25 |
3 | I told 5 friends at school about recycling and got them to log onto K4B world to join our efforts | 15 |
4 | I planted a plant / tree today | 35 |
5 | I said NO to plastic bags and asked Mom Dad to use cloth bags for Grocery shopping | 15 |
6 | I made a DIY art and craft item from household waste | 20 |
7 | I went around my neighbourhood collecting 500 KGS paper waste and gave it for recycling | 50 |
8 | I collected 25 old mobile phones from my community and gave it to the nearest recycling centre ! | 50 |